How we rate resource pays special attention to providing players with up-to-date and reliable information about online gambling providers. Our mission is to provide users with accurate, objective and unbiased data to help them choose the most suitable platforms to play on.
We evaluate the information using the following criteria:
General research.
Lucky-jet experts conduct a thorough pre-screening of all site partners to ensure a positive gaming experience for site users. This is done by analyzing apps, websites, affiliate programs, and checking the level of security and support on the site’s recommended resources.
User Experience.
The site personally tests partner services by analyzing the degree of usability and performance on different devices. This is done in order to provide players with the most positive emotions from participating in online games. Expert reviews and user feedback are also taken into account to assess the reputation of the platforms.
The safety of players is a priority. The resource regularly checks the reliability of the platforms, use of encryption, privacy policy analysis, and the availability of up-to-date licenses.
Bonus programs.
Platform experts examine bonus systems for their fairness, transparency and variety. These programs significantly affect the gaming experience of users, so special attention is paid to them.
User Support.
Quality and timely support plays a key role for user satisfaction. The availability and professionalism of support services on different platforms is analyzed.
Transparency and efficiency of deposit and withdrawal processes are analyzed, taking into account the availability of commissions and the variety of available transaction methods.
Revaluation and independence.
The assessment of information is constantly updated based on new data and circumstances. Lucky-jet adheres to an independent approach in evaluating platforms, excluding the influence of affiliate relationships or advertising in order to maintain user confidence by providing unbiased information.
The Lucky-jet platform is open to feedback and its experts are always available to answer users’ questions. The Lucky-jet team strives to become a trusted guide in the world of online gambling by providing quality information and support to all users.